Sometimes time is of the essence. After my standard warm-up, here are the 5 Exercises I did today that took less than 5 minutes to complete and still gave me a full-body workout.
Exercise #1 Chin-ups
Any chin-up or pull-up will do. Today I did neutral-grip chin-ups, focusing intently of good form. Today I did 10 reps.
Exercise #2 Bench Press
If you don't have a bench and barbell, regular old push-ups will do. Today I did 25 reps with a 100# barbell.
Exercise #3 Squats
Again, if you don't have a barbell, there are other ways to target the same muscle groups. Body-weight squats, lunges, or Bulgarian Split Squats will work just fine. Today I did 25 reps with a 70# barbell.
Exercise #4 Ab-Wheel Roll-outs
Rather than use an actual ab-wheel, I just have a 5# plastic weight on a 35 year-old dumbbell bar and use that at my ab-wheel. If you don't have something like that, you can substitute cross-body mountain climbers or, using a stability ball, do jack-knives. I did 10 solid reps.
Exercise #5 Side Planks with leg raises
Side Planks are a another good core-building exercise. When combined with leg raises the core gets a little extra work along with the legs. Today I did 15 leg raises while in the side-plank position and then held the side-plank position for an additional 15 seconds. Then I switched to the other side and repeated the process.
Enjoy! :)
PS If you're not familiar with any of the exercises mentioned above, simply type them into your favorite search engine and you're sure to find some explanations.
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