Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Hummus and Vegetable Lunch Recipe

The Simple Hummus and Vegetable Lunch
That Will Turn Heads…

By Pastor Kent Wilson

So I’m standing in the church kitchen dicing up some fresh vegetables and putting them in a bowl.

Red Bell Pepper

I’m multitasking too…shooting the breeze with some of the child-care staff about the awesome community picnic the congregation hosted the previous evening.

(They wondered whether I had dried off yet from being dropped 50+ times in the DUNK TANK Fundraiser where it was three throws for a dollar!)

Anyhow, about 5 minutes into the conversation I poured the bowl of diced vegetables onto a large plate, bowed my head for simple silent prayer, and then started to dive in with my spoon.

 “Aren’t you going to put some kind of dressing on that?” said one of the staff members as both of them looked on in a state of disbelief.

“Not at all.” I said. “This will be fine.”

What they didn’t know was that I wasn’t eating just vegetables.

On the bottom of the plate I had previously spread a generous portion of humus that, to my delight, was left over from the picnic.

That meant every bite of fresh-diced vegetables came with a flavorful touch of hummus too!

Totally delicious!

Simple as the sunrise.

You can do this too.

I hope you will. 

Let me know what you think!

To Your Health and Wellness,

P.S. Speaking of health and wellness, our church is hosting a little conference on health next Monday, August 31st from 9:00 am till 12:30 pm. The main speaker is my friend Pastor Steve Reynolds who wrote “Bod4God” and recently co-authored “The Healthy Renegade Pastor” with Nelson Searcy. Steve is speaking at similar events in Wisconsin and Illinois. 

If you’re a pastor and you pre-register, the event and a copy of “The Healthy Renegade Pastor” is free. Laypersons can attend for a modest fee. Here’s the registration link and all the details.

P.P.S. I don’t make a dime off the registration. Just passing the info along. Would love to see you at Zion on August 31. So click here to register and then, in the meantime, get busy and dice up some fresh vegetables and pour em over hummus! :)

P.P.P.S. My daughter said the store-bought hummus wasn't as good as what I usually make. Glad to here it.  I'll give you that recipe in my next post.

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