Thursday, September 15, 2011

Today's Complete Workout plus a quick review of breakfast and other day-starters

Below you will find today's complete workout including my warm-up----all done after a mere 10-second/15-step commute to our basement! :)

Note: You can YouTube and/or google any exercises that you don't recognize.

My standard warm-up:
12 bodyweight prisoner squats
12 leg swings (per side)
24 walking lunges with hands clasped above my head
10 close-grip pushups
10 stick-ups,
10 waiter bows
30-second plank
10 light dumbell (2 15# dumbells) deadlifts.
Then on to the workout.

Set 1: 10 Underhand-grip chin-ups with knee-ups.
25 Barbell Squats with 90# barbell.
12 incline Push-ups on suspended bar
Rest 1 minute and repeat set, but with only 8 chin-ups.

Set 2: 10 1 1/2-rep bulgarian split squats per leg.
20 1-leg push-ups (10/side)
Rest 1 minute and repeat set.

Set 3: 8 lying hip extensions (held in up position for 8 seconds, down for 4 seconds)
15 25# Dumbell Rows per side
Rest 30 seconds and repeat set

Set 4 10 Dumbell deadlift and overhead press combos (with 2-25# dumbells)
10 Ab pikes with feet on skateboard.
Rest 1 minute and repeat set.
Done with exercise and on to devotions!

BTW, I always start my day, first thing, with a big glass of cold water to rehydrate my body after 6-8 hours of sleep. Then I almost always eat the same breakfast consisting of a bowl of uncooked oats topped with raisins and eaten like cereal. I also pour 2 tsp. of flax seeds (that have been soaked overnight) over the top. This breakfast gives me hearty whole-grain slow-release carbs, a serving of fruit, serving or two of dairy, and omega 3 fats in the flax seeds.

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