Monday, October 18, 2010


Scripture Verse that Caught My Attention Today: Acts 8:4 Now those who were scattered went from place to place, proclaiming the word.

Observation: The reality of current circumstances opens up many possibilities.

Application: I’ve been mentally messing with something today. It’s not necessarily a new question, but I’m pondering how (or even if!) one can help nurture people’s spirituality in a more intentional way. Is there any possible way to measure it (while still being faithful to a Lutheran understanding of the Gospel)? Should a person’s spirituality ‘grow’ over time, or is it something that would ideally be rather constant?

There are a bunch of related questions that come to mind as well. But suffice it to say that the early Christian movement began largely because people who had been touched by the word shared that word generously. It doesn’t appear that they went around measuring people’s spirituality, but they certainly shared the message whenever they had opportunity and had a plan for helping those who wanted to grow. I’d like to take some more time to consider how I might better do such things.

Prayer: Lord, allow the questions to be a source of inspiration. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

(readings today included: Job 3-4 and Acts 8-9)

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