Thursday, April 21, 2011

The People We'll Meet in the Kingdom

Scripture verse that caught my attention today. Matthew 8:11 I tell you, many will come from east and west and will eat with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven,

Observation: I’ve never thought that much about potentially meeting Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Application: When I think of the kingdom of heaven I usually think of maybe seeing loved ones and, certainly, Jesus. I’ve thought about maybe meeting the apostles, especially Paul. Moses would be fun to meet too, plus Miriam and Aaron; it would be interesting to see how those three siblings get along. I’d like to meet some of the famous women in the Bible; Sarah, Ruth, Esther, Rahab, Deborah, Lydia, the woman at the well, and the women that followed Jesus to name a few. Not only would I like to learn what their personalities were like but, honestly, I’m also curious as to what they looked like. I’d like to meet that thief on the cross, the demoniacs, and Nicodemous. So there’s lots of people referenced in the Bible that I’d love to meet in the kingdom of heaven. But for some reason Abraham and Isaac and Jacob haven’t been at the top of my list even though they are mentioned often in the Bible and, in this case, by Jesus himself. Guess I’ll have to make some adjustments since, according to Jesus, we might well be sharing meals together!

Prayer: Lord, thanks for all the faithful witnesses throughout the ages. And help me, in my own way, to be one of them. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

(readings today included: 1 Samuel 24, Psalm 57-58, 1 Chronicles 8, and Matthew 8)

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