Saturday, June 2, 2012

Continual Learning

Scripture verse that caught my attention today: Proverbs 23:12 Apply your mind to instruction
and your ear to words of knowledge.

Observation: Life is continual learning.

Application: A good question to ask oneself when deciding what to do is: “Where or what is the profit in this?” By “profit” I don’t necessarily mean financial reward, though that could be the case at times. But whether one is talking finances or skill-building or preparation for the future or relationship-building or whatever, profit and waste are opposite extremes. So when determining how best to spend one’s time—arguably our most precious resource aside from the promises of God through Christ himself who is the only one who can actually give us MORE time!—it’s a good idea to ask the question, “Where is the profit in this?”

Please don’t misunderstand. I’m not suggesting that we should not have rest or relaxation. Indeed, in some cases we probably need more of such things. But I am suggesting that our time is a resource of much value and that to intentionally use a good portion of it for learning and applying what is learned can be profitable in many ways.

Honestly, Jesus was a perfect example of someone who lived such a life. He was always learning. Jesus learned from observation (i.e. the story of the widow and the two mites), from listening in prayer (“not my will but yours be done”), from interacting with others (“Isaiah prophesied rightly about you…”) and all the rest.

Prayer: Lord, help us all to use our precious time in ways that demonstrate our thanksgiving for your precious gift. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

(readings today included: Proverbs 22-24, Romans 14)

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