Monday, December 12, 2011

Today's Easing-back-into-it workout

For a variety of logistical reasons, I haven't had a real workout in 2-weeks--that's the longest workout dry spell I've had in a long time!

Anyhow, if you've been off for a while (or forever!), it's important to ease back into things.

On Saturday I began the process by simply doing one round of my standard warm-up. Good thing, because on Sunday I was actually a bit sore, most likely from the walking lunges.

Today (Monday) I did two rounds of the warm-up plus 10 push-up/jack-knife combos (with feet on skateboard), 5 pull-ups, and 2 rounds of 12 5-yard shuttle sprints (at about 2/3 speed). I could have easily done significantly more, but I don't want to be overly sore tomorrow. Wednesday I'll increase the intensity a little more and then, by Friday, will hopefully to a pretty full workout.

Most of you have seen the warm-up list before, but for first-timers, here it is:

12 bodyweight squats
15 leg swings (per leg)
24 walking lunges (12 at a time, rest 10 seconds and lunge-walk back)
12 close-grip push-ups
10 stick-ups
10 waiter's bows (oops, forgot those today...knew I was forgetting something, but couldn't remember at the time.)
30-second plank
10 dumbbell dead-lift/overhead shoulder-press combos (with light 15# dumbbells)

Repeated set, used 20# dumbbells for final exercise.

After the 2nd set of the warm-up I did the pull-ups, push-up/jack-knife combos, and shuttle sprints, all in our basement.

There may be some soreness from the shuttle sprints tomorrow, but that's why I tried not to over-do it.

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