Monday, December 5, 2011

When the show is over, real life begins.

Scripture Passage that Caught my attention today: Ephesians 5:2 and live in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

Living in love is a profound concept that is sometimes overshadowed by other parts in this chapter that seem more legally demanding.

These days I’ve been wrestling a bit with what the Grace of God really means. I’m struck by the fact that so many churches and/or pastors have, at the heart of their/our message, what we should be doing if we really claim to be followers of Christ. I believe that my synodical bishop rightly describes such sentiments as “the Tyranny of the ‘Shoulds.’” Indeed, there’s nothing good about them.

Still, the ‘shoulds’ of living are hard to avoid. Even today’s readings seem to include their share of them. Does grace really exist? And if so, what does it mean?

‘Living in love’ may be the start of it.

Living as a person who is loved by Christ simultaneously makes it more natural to love like Christ. When we fully understand that we have been unconditionally accepted for who we are, it follows that we unconditionally accept others for who they are.

If this doesn’t always seem to happen it is likely because we have in some way minimized and/or forgotten what God has done for us. A profession of faith most authentically begins with a confession of faith—I can’t but God can, I didn’t but God did, I avoided but God confronted, I ran away but God stood in my stead, I sometimes pretended (very well, thank you very much!) to be God but oh…Good Point…God really is God. To paraphrase the popular singer Rianna—“We’ve put on quite a show, very entertaining, but it’s over now.”

When the ‘show’ is over, real life begins. How? With the awareness that real love has already begun. This love was willingly (though mercilessly) affixed on a non-descript cross section of wood centuries ago between a couple common criminals at the hands of an over-zealous and hopelessly misguided crowd whose power of persuasion had it’s way with the government leader at the time. If that love means anything, it means everything…even as we go about the rest of our day.

Prayer: Lord, help us to simply take to heart what you have done and what you continue to do in order that we might truly live in love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

(Readings today included: Ephesians 5-6 and Psalm 119:1-80)

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