Monday, October 31, 2011

Today's Workout

Warm-up followed by a slightly different combination of 2 triple sets followed by 4 single sets.

Set 1
Front Barbell Squats
Extended push-ups on suspended bar.
Rest 1 minute and repeat.

Set 2:
Single leg Stability ball curls
Single leg bench step-ups
Bent-over Dumbbell Rows.
Rest 1 minute and repeat

Set 3:
Push-up/Pike combo with feet on skateboard
Rest 30 seconds and repeat

Set 4:
Ab-wheel roll-outs
Rest 30 seconds and repeat

Set 5:
Turkish get-ups (note: these are a killer when I get tired!)
rest 30 seconds between sides and 1 minutes between the set and then repeat.

Set 6:
Bent over dumb-bell lateral raises
rest 30 seconds and repeat.

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