Friday, August 24, 2012

Beyond Desolation

Scripture Verse that Caught my attention today: Jeremiah 33:12 Thus says the LORD of hosts: In this place that is waste, without human beings or animals, and in all its towns there shall again be pasture for shepherds resting their flocks.

Observation: A word of hope in a time of despair.

Application: Desolation is still, in the greater scheme of things, temporary. It may come in a flurry with great pomp and circumstance to wreak havoc on vast stretches of land, sea, or soul, but then it disappears as fast as it came and, over time, new life arises again—even in and around the scars. From a distance one might not be able to tell that there was any time of pain, though those with a closer view know better.

Jeremiah, with God’s prompting, is onto something here. Grass can find the light of day and authentic hope can find the light of Christ in surprisingly desolate circumstances. Perhaps that’s all we need to know.

Prayer: Lord, thanks for your reminders that in you hope can always be found. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

(Readings included: Jeremiah 33-34, Psalm 74, and 1 John 5)

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