Thursday, July 21, 2011

Being Blessed

Scripture Verse that caught my attention today: James 5:11a Indeed we call blessed those who showed endurance.

Observation: So true.

Application: The people we laud as great people over time are almost always are known to have faced great adversity—professionally and/or personally. Martin Luther faced persecution without and depression within. Martin Luther King, Jr. had crowds who loved him and crowds who hated him simultaneously. US Presidents are always facing political mountains. Jesus faced a cross.

It’s becoming clear that enduring success and/or faithfulness is not defined by the absence of struggle, but by the willingness to, when necessary, take the more challenging path. To be sure, it’s not seeking pain for pain’s sake—that would simply be foolish. But once one is convicted of purpose, completely honest in prayer, and in intentionally open dialog/observation with other trusted and discerning individuals…well, then the path may well be worth taking whether it includes challenges or not.

But there is still this one little caveat…we could still be wrong.

Prayer: Lord, it really isn’t until we are gone that others can form a final impression of us. And in the end it’s only your impression that ultimately matters. Still, I pray that you will help us live our lives in such a way as to demonstrate faithfulness and trust in you, not for our own sake, but in order that others might be inspired to do the same in their own unique way. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

(Readings today included: 2 Kings 18-19, 2 Chronicles 32, and James 5)

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